From this comparison ( it looks like Pyright fixes a load of issues that MyPy has. It also seems much closer to how TypeScript works (I have worked significantly more with TypeScript than typed Python and really like it)

Is there a reason not to go with Pyright and stick with MyPy?

Pyright doesn't support narrowing based on object truthiness and some other python isms.

In my experience, mypy tends to be more correct and correctly understands more python code.

For example, the following won't type check in pyright (it doesn't infer the type of out):

    out = []
    for x in bar:
      out.append(x \* 2)
    return out
Edit: also pyright's vendoring of type stubs is annoying as they take precedence over downloaded type stubs.

Edit2: also lack of plugins, makes using things like Pydantic less type safe compared to mypy

The precedence should be: "typing" folder in workspace root -> project "extra paths" -> python search paths -> pylance bundled.

If that's not working for you you should open an issue at