I study AI and ML, and I don't need a bot to tell me what I already know from decades of experience.

Furthermore, it's because we're wasting our time on things like this that I think AI/ML is mainly all hype and the threats of it 'taking of the World' are used mainly to leverage funding into aimless things like these while calling it 'progress.' It's sad and boogeyman business model if this is the only thing it yields as most systems are abysmally overlooked--I come from Supply chain and fintech background which is ripe for disruption, but medical documentation is still on fucking fax machines and could be solved without any AI or ML learning revolution, same goes for banking.

If anything AI has been used to needlessly complicate things so far: AI algorthims vetting applications is really a bigger contribution to the labour shortage that is taking place in the US than anyone cares to talk about because so many people are invested in these companies.

Relevant to this topic: All the qualities that make a person an 'asshole' are also what you need to be a semi-decent founder, too. (I speak from experience as both). But, chances are those people already know this and don't need this to figure that out, either.

This project is more intended as fun and not a treatise on the industry.

> This project is more intended as fun and not a treatise on the industry.


Seriously, I mean this as person that is actually studying this technology and I'm forced to go through the motions with the kinds of BS. you are saying... the longer this goes on the more time and resources (specifically Human Capital) we will waste on pointless things like this as we're encouraged to do so. Let Open AI build GPT, it's honestly all they know how to do as anything else seems dead in the water or a scam (see Worldcoin).

My AI and ML intro classes so far have forced me to learn JS to build a video-game because it 'was fun' too, and guess what that doesn't change the fact JS is an archaic language that nobody in the 21st century should use anymore. It was a waste of my time as I made smart-contract prototypes for multi-national corps as a self-taught coder at IBM.

But because a lot of the same people who think it's 'fun' run the faculties and CompSci departments at Universities think this kind of non-sense is accepted as 'learning' it will go on.

We should be building actual solutions to actual problems rather than re-invent a newer digital form of navel-gazing.

I taught myself to code not because it was 'fun' but because I NEEDED to solve a complex problem and was first to market and no one who could code what I needed understood or cared enough to take the time to see the potential of what I as founder saw because there were more 'fun' but useless things to build.

I've can't post more because the algo on HN:

> I literally publish open-source packages on how to use this technology.

Then let me make it clear: stop wasting our time as students and professionals trying to leverage the skills that we've acquired and done in other Industries with your feckless non-sense. This isn't fun for anyone but you.

No one but you wants a real-life version of 'Her,' we want to solve Climate Change and perpetual Supply Chain disruptions so we can continue to live, breath, eat and meet with actual Humans which we can actually interact with in person.

The immense amount of focus on NLP for Human companionship is seriously why I think this space is saturated with people who seem so misanthropic (and likely/possibly autistic) that I doubt we will be able to bypass your gate-keeping BS to actually do what we came here to do: solve problems for existential reasons not have fun with a new toy.

> I mean this as person that is actually studying this technology

I literally publish open-source packages on how to use this technology.

