What's the state of development of this? Did somebody use it with Raspberry pi? I want to use this over Clojure(only on pi) because I have read Clojure is slow on Raspberry pi(even 3, not sure how true that is).
Also, how fast is this? How does it compare to other lisps(or schemes) in terms of speed? Can someone port the benchmarks to https://benchmarksgame.alioth.debian.org.
I have used Chicken Scheme on Raspberry Pi to good effect. Clojure is likely slow because the JVM runtime requires much more disk access than compiled-to-C systems.
Have you tried any Clojure->Scheme compilers? After that stage you can use any Scheme->C/Whatever compiler.
There are Clojure->Scheme compilers?
Yes, at least one, and I don't know how well it works. But here it is: