Nice to see so many new projects in the area of APM in the last few months.

We recently tried Signoz and Grafana Tempo and while I can't say something about uptrace yet (will definitely try it out) I want to list some pros and cons about them.

Grafana Tempo


- Easy and smooth integration into our existing Grafana instance, no additional frontend needed

- No new storage engine needed (No additional Clickhouse, Postgres, etc) as it saves its data to S3

- Supports OTLP


- Search is limited by param size and unique params (as its baked to be indexed)

- Ingestion is not in real time, but configurable (time to finish span)



- Supports OTLP

- Integrates Logs and Metrics within the same service (for Grafana you need Loki then)

- Supports real time querying


- Uses new storage engines (or extends the software stack) with adding ClickHouse

- Adds an additional frontend (might not be relevant for everyone)

- Doesn't provide SSO yet, so you need to manage users differently

Interesting to see, that UpTrace also chose ClickHouse (btw I love ClickHouse!)

Some questions:

- Can I easily disable certain features? (e.g. alerting)

- Is there support for SSO for self-hosted installation?

- Are there any recommendations for scaling (e.g. benchmarks) on how many spans/s are supported on what hardware?

Thanks in advance!

thanks for the mention. I am one of the maintainers at SigNoz [1].

Thanks for laying out the points in Pro section. We also recently launched logs witg v0.11.0 so you may want to give it a try again - we now have have metrics, logs and traces in a single app.

Would love to understand a few points in more details you have mentioned in Cons for SigNoz

> - Uses new storage engines (or extends the software stack) with adding ClickHouse Can you explain a bit more on the concern here?

> - Doesn't provide SSO yet, so you need to manage users differently

This is in our roadmap and we will be shipping it soon.
