It's ridiculous and sad that they would include Rust, after banning LuaJIT a few years ago, citing "too much maintenance effort" (even though LuaJIT benchmarks were significantly more complete that Rust's)

The shootout has been utterly ridiculous for quite a long time. I remember when the maintainer(s?) threw a fit when pypy devs tried getting python versions not relying on cpython tricks (which didn't bench well for pypy) even though multiple programs per language had not been an issue before. Then they ended up banning multiple implementations, but their implementation pick is completely arbitrary.

Seems like an opportunity for an enterprising hacker to create a more open and collaborative "benchmarking social network" of sorts.

TechEmpower has done pretty well with their web framework benchmarks [1]. While I get the feeling that they don't have the bandwidth to expand into general language benchmarking they've created an open process [2] that might be easily adapted to general language benchmarking.

They seemed to have addressed most of the fairness and "What about language X on platform Y using framework Z" kinds of questions with "Send us a pull request and we'll include it in the next benchmark".

I'm tempted to tackle this even though I don't currently have the time.
