A classic, but hard to believe anyone here hasn't seen it before!

Unless I'm missing something, it doesn't seem to have had a discussion here for a few years.


and yet it's been posted 6 times in the past year?

well the photo of mel here in the comments is new to me so we'll see what happens...

Proof positive lots of good stuff gets pushed off the new page very quickly. I absolutely love this story, especially the bit about the loop without a visible termination. Epic stuff.

I just don't get how the simple 'hot' (or 'news') algorithm, only taking a single link's time elapsed and raw number of votes(?) into account, is the best we have for a community like this.

And I'm not talking about reddit's 'infinite but disjointed sub-communities'...

If you have better ideas, list 'em. HN has been consistently good for the past seven-ish years.

tags, respecting different votes differently, linking old conversations with new ones instead of 'archiving' them into oblivion...

HN might be some sort of local maximum atm, but more experimentation is warranted on these fronts.

Feel free!

The source is out there. https://github.com/arclanguage/anarki