It's not vim, but many terminal-based keyboard shortcuts are already available across OS X without installing anything. For example:

    - ctrl+p - move cursor up one line
    - ctrl+n - move cursor down one line
    - ctrl+f - move cursor forward one character
    - ctrl+b - move cursor back one character

    - ctrl+a - move cursor to beginning of line
    - ctrl+e - move cursor to end of line
    - ctrl+k - delete all characters from cursor to end of line
There are a few missing useful ones (such as move by word), but you can fill them in by creating this file[1] in a specific place on your machine.


Those OS X keybindings come from Emacs! I bet some vimmers would refuse to use them just on principle. :)

I'm a vimmer and always use readline bindings in "insert" mode context. I find using vim bindings on the commandline to be infuriating.

On macOS, you need to add the following to $HOME/Library/KeyBindings/DefaultKeyBinding.dict to get ctrl-w and ctrl-u to work everywhere in macOS.

{ "^w" = "deleteWordBackward:"; "^u" = "deleteToBeginningOfLine:"; }

Oh, if you like those bindings in insert mode, you are probably already aware of Tim Pope's vim-rsi [1] plugin. If not, check it out, it might have some interesting bindings you aren't using yet.
