The benchmarks for Chez Scheme are pretty impressive. Provided Racket-on-Chez is able to captitalize on that, this is pretty exciting.

Also, that makes it hypothetically possible that HN could end up running on Chez's VM because HN is written in Arc, which is I believe written in Racket, which may in the next year be written for Chez Scheme's VM.

The last time I checked, arc required a pretty old version of racket that supported mutable cons cells.

Not sure if that's still true, but AFAIK all work on arc has been stalled for quite a while.

There's a community version of the language being developed here:

It works with the latest Racket versions and includes a HN clone. You can see it running here:

It's true that pg isn't working on it though. I wonder if he's ever getting back to it.