Working at a still-feels-new-to-me job as Graphics Director for Opinion at The New York Times. Our small team publishes arguments and guest essays supported by visual evidence, like these:




But I'm a believer in asking for help in order to cast a wider net. If you happen to stumble across an obscure-yet-newsworthy dataset, or have a strong feeling about a particular guest essayist that we should be approaching, or can't stop thinking about an argument that's itching you — pitches and tips are always welcome: [my hn username]

It's really disillusioning to see the top comment in a front-page HN-thread require payment to even be read completely.

I can see that this isn't your personal design decision, but there is a literal paywall preventing you from communicating with me. This is absurd.

FWIW, this extension has worked great for me, but it seems that the developer's support is dwindling for it: