Whenever there's an Emacs thread I feel really bad like an impostor, because I'm using Emacs daily for work and hobby for the past 15 years now and still only use only 5 to 10 functions regularly. Heck, I can't even remember the keyboard combo for getting help about a mode. When I have to install a new package, I use Melpa and copy&paste init code for the .emacs file from the web. If it doesn't work or breaks, I usually just use another package because it's too hard to fix the error. My .emacs file is a total mess and I have no idea what 50% of the code in it is doing. Do I need it or should I comment it out? I don't know.
Two years ago I tried to start using org mode and bought the printed org mode book but it just turned out to be too complicated and too much time to adapt all the publishing settings for me to be of any use.
For a while I used a Bibtex tool which was weird to use, and now I'm using KBibtex again.
I guess what I'm trying to say is that Emacs is a great editor but I wish someone made an AI-powered assistant called "clippy" for it that makes suggestions for commands one might use when working in Emacs. I just can't remember all those keyboard shortcuts for every mode.