This is a disaster and more likely to put a newbie off or confuse them than to help them.

Why is the largest callout dedicated to WebAssembly, noting it as not ready yet? Why is "Using DevTools" near the bottom, branched off PWAs instead of near the top? Why are server-side things like Apollo on there, above things like static site generators? Why are mobile and desktop applications on there? There's a stack of "Redux, MobX, RxJS, NgRx, VueX" boxes along one side with a tick next to each one. Who is that supposed to be helping?

How is a newbie trying to get into front-end development meant to make sense of this without being completely overwhelmed? I know developers with years of experience that would be scared by this; it's one gigantic imposter syndrome trigger.

In order for a resource like this to be effective, it needs to prioritise and contextualise. This reads more like a "look at all the things I know about" boast. Less is more. A resource that aims to actually help newbies should be at most a quarter of the size and actually provide context and priorities.

> it's one gigantic imposter syndrome trigger

Yes, this was exactly my experience when I first encountered the repo for this project a couple years ago [0]. I actually still remember what it was like to read this for the first time.

From the perspective of someone who has been impaled on the hedgerow of despair, trudged through the endless shale of '5-minute-must-reads' and fought their way through the jungle of 'lazy tutorials rehashing a languages main beginner resource', I see why these kinds of things are created and upvoted/proliferated by developers who are no longer beginners. They're probably helpful to a minority I expect to show up in this thread. But to me these roadmaps are pathological (no pun intended) - inducing a cocktail of fear, apathy, and perfectionistic mania.

If you happen to be a beginner reading through this thread and thinking of using this map - don't. Get a feeling for the territory first. Don't worry about all these empty terms. Once you have a feeling for this programming thing you can use your powers of prediction, analogy, and noting minor differences to learn new stuff. You don't have to (you don't WANT to) jam it all into your brain at once. I took that route and it makes it really hard to play and explore for yourself, it was so painful and inefficient.

Go the naturalistic route. It's not wrong unless it doesn't work, in which case it's still not wrong. It's all good. Have fun. Make yourself laugh. Do it stupid, who cares. Edit/break/play around with stuff, maybe go Codepen [1] if that sounds fun. Maybe you want structure and streamlining, go see if FreeCodeCamp is for you - you'll tick off half the boxes here without even realising it, and that half will be the half that's worth anything to you :)

