They claim "Podman provides a Docker-compatible command line front end and one can simply alias the Docker cli, `alias docker=podman`". That claim alone shows they dont know or dont care how people use container engines outside the k8s space. I know a lot of orgs that simply use docker-compose files to spin up simple setups. There is podman-compose[1] but its "still underdevelopment".
Then there is software using the docker socket.
Portainer? No Podman support [2]
Testcontainers? No Podman support [3]
Traefik? No Service discovery for you [4]
Should i go on?
yeah its rootless and i like the idea podman and buildah represent. What i dont like is the way they break at least part of the ecosystem.
The lack of composer and Traefik support is the main reason I don't switch my personal projects to podman (work stuff is all K8s).
That and neither podman nor buildah being at least as easy to install on Ubuntu LTS then Docker.
Compose is just lovely for personal stuff. Swarm is also pretty decent (and easier to run for small clusters, if somewhat unstable networking-wise). Podman can't compare.