A little bit of education about container systems in linux[1]. A container system is typically made up a number of components:

isolation layer: the piece that limits privileges and resource usage. (On linux, this is usually handled by cgroups and the kernel, but could also be handled by something like kvm for vm-based containers)

raw container configuration: Given an image and some metadata (like cpu limits), launch an isolated process. (On linux, this is usually handled by runc when working with cgroups)

container api daemon: Manage the list of container processes and available images. Provide a unix socket based API for manipulating isolated processes, launching, deleting, connecting, etc. (In the case of docker, they provide a daemon which abstracts the containerd daemon, or you can use containerd alone without docker)

container command line tool: Provide a user/developer interface to the three things above. This is the docker command. When you install containerd without docker this is the ctr command.

Docker, which is probably the most famous container distribution, pairs the docker command with the docker daemon to abstract away the containerd daemon, runc, and cgroups.

If you use containerd alone, you get ctr/containerd/runc/cgroups.

There's a standalone command line tool (crictl) which replaces both ctr and docker and can be used on top of either the docker daemon or containerd.

[1] Container systems seem to have a relatively complex abstraction over what is a relatively simple architecture.

I feel like podman is proving that you don't really need the api daemon and a porcelain over runc with a one-off process supervisor is sufficient for a good number of workloads.

Being able to run containers like any other process and leave the lifecycle management to systemd is actually really nice.

Could not agree more. As a Fedora user I was mildly intrigued when Podman showed up, I played with it briefly but stopped because most of my projects used docker-compose, which doesn't work with Podman.

When I went to work at Red Hat I decided to really try Podman, and I love it now. Once I discovered that Podman supports Kubernetes Pods (same YAML and all) I realized how clunky docker-compose actually is. Since most of my projects now run in K8s anyway, it's awesome to have the app run as a Pod locally so it can easily be tested with any sidecars in the same configuration.

There are still uses for docker-compose, and I don't expect it to disappear from my life completely any time soon, but Podman does have a great place in my toolkit.

podman-compose works fine for me, despite being advertised as "still under development".
