Alternatively for MAX_lazyness and convenience I've been using, does all the same stuff and is the alternative to cloudflare in Firefox for DNS-over-Https (DOH)

Is there an advantage in sending all of your DNS queries to a for-profit company vs. setting up your own Pi-hole?

Their privacy policy seems legit[0] but why trust them at all when Pi-hole is an option?


No additional hardware required, you can use it to provide some protection to your family without having to worry about remote access to the Pi-Hole to configure things, works for your devices on the go, cheaper than running pi-hole in the cloud yourself unless.

Pricing wise it’s over 2 years worth of service for the price of an original Pi, a good SD card and a case.

The only circumstances where Pi Hole is unquestionably superior is if you are on a network that redirects all DNS requests there are still some ISPs that do that however if you are on such network you probably want to either get off it ASAP or use a VPN.

FWIW, pihole is not tied to any particular hardware. For example: