Not all functional programming idioms work in all languages.

On my computer, the article's imperative range(6000) took 0.05 ms and the "functional" range(6000) took 400 ms. The whole [...cur, cur.length+1] thing turns a linear algorithm into a quadratic one. It wouldn't happen in all languages, but that's how JavaScript's arrays work. My advice is that if you really want to do stuff like this, choose appropriate data structures (i.e., learn about persistent data structures).

Except in this case the imperative version is already totally fine. It is modifying an array that it created itself. You have all of the benefits of avoiding shared mutable state already.

Also, the difference in performance would become even worse, except that for range(7000) I already get "Maximum call stack size exceeded" on the recursive one. The imperative implementation handles 10000000 without breaking a sweat. My second advice is to not use recursion to process arrays in languages (like JavaScript) that have a very limited call stack size.

I wrote a blog post once,, where I compared a functional solution and a vanilla solution. I tried to cover both performance and some vague notion of readability.

In the end the vanilla solution won in both areas. And I say that as an FP and Haskell fan boy.

Ramda is what you get when people try to zealously make Haskell out of Javascript. The same happens in many other languages where people try to force Haskell idioms into languages.

Edit. For some reason people equate "functional" with Haskell, even though Javascript (and most modern languages) is perfectly capable of expressing functional idioms without the descent into madness.

Your vanilla solution is already a functional solution. Literally no need for `transduce pipe map over lens`

What's wrong with Ramda?

The library itself is fine. The problem I see is twisting JS/TS in to a language it is not.

JS simply does not lend itself to currying, data-last signatures, piping, and pattern matching like an ML family language does. And as you can tell by the Ramda typings, neither does the TS type system. [0]

You will forever fight an uphill battle against every single tutorial and piece of documentation and colleague when going down this path. I don't think the effort is worth it.

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