His final conclusion is that C has to go, just like COBOL, Fortran, and PL/I. I wonder how long it will take before C will be gone totally when you realize how much COBOL and Fortran are still around. Not so long ago, I came along a module for Python 'SciPy.interpolate' that happens to be programmed in Fortran.
Is that even possible as long as the Linux kernel is written in C? I wonder if telling people not to learn C will have a long-term effect on being able to find competent contributors to the kernel.
> Linux kernel is written in C
Not exclusively in C, not anymore: https://docs.kernel.org/rust/index.html
It might take another decade for a C-free build to be possible, though.
As long as there isn't a Rust compiler written in Rust (there is a transpiler to LLVM bytecode, but that gets compiled by a C++ compiler, same for GCC-rs) I don't think a C-free (or a C++-free) build will be possible at all, so I'm guessing it'll take somewhere in the 60-100 year range.
The compiler frontend is already written in Rust.