I'm always surprised by the lack of "easy" parser/compiler toolkit for more or less complete DSL... It looks like there's only

- either full blown programming language for IT guys

- "natural language" AI toolkits (not really usable yet for just simple automation by users)

- graphical language like State Machine or "no code", missing loops and requiring mouse and boxes

However, most of the time, user simply need some kind of BASIC (like visual basic used a lot in "shadow IT" by users)... but there's really few libraries providing that kind of functionalites

Racket is often heralded as the "programming language programming language" and comes with tons of features to build full blown languages: https://racket-lang.org/

The most complete language/ecosystem that really showcases Racket's capabilities is Rosette IMO: https://github.com/emina/rosette/

Also worth noting that language that runs this very website was implemented in Racket.

Hacker News runs on a language that runs on Racket? Which language is that?

Arc Lisp[0]. This forum was concieved as a MVP for the language.

Anarki, a divergent open source fork, can be found here[1].

[0] http://arclanguage.org/

[1] https://github.com/arclanguage/anarki