As far as I'm concerned, this is the current gold standard for out-of-box experience desktop Linux.

There are things I would do differently if I were building a system myself, but PopOS "Just Works", and is more polished than Win10 imho.

Installed it on a Dell XPS13 recently. It's great except I have to restart GNOME every couple hours because of of annoying visual glitch that makes all text disappear.

Have you tried switching to Wayland?

How can people be having this kind of conversation while also claiming this is the state of the art or the gold standard in 2021?

I've been running macos since 2012 and never had such issues. That's over 10 years ago.

Of course, OS X is older than that, and as far as I can tell, it never had such issues.

On the other hand I still cannot configure CMD-tab to work like on Windows and most Linux desktop environments ln my brand new Mac.

Keyboard navigation (moving between or selecting words or lines of text) still seems somewhat hit or miss even though it is better than when I left Mac OS behind in 2012.

Of course this might not matter to you (and I even know some of you prefer the separation between "application switching" and "window switching") but for many of us these are way larger issues than having to fix a config file once.

Here: Install this, will fix how command+tab works and it's actively developed.