I have never felt more dumb than when trying to use and learn anything nixos related. Its awesome technology not meant to be used by humans. I am using cs.github.com, open ai chat bot and usually like 4 tabs describing the same thing from different months using different commands + few versions of what seems like official manual while still having zero idea what I am doing. It feels more like I am reverse engineering something rather than using it. There is something seriously wrong with what is acceptable ergonomics by whoever is designing the user interfaces. I really wish they fix all their problems because when it all works its awesome.

I wanted to give guix a shot does anybody know if its any better ignoring their stance on non-free software as I think you can work around it.

Guix interface is a bit more friendly by default, but once you enable the 'nix' command on NixOS, there really isn't much of difference in terms of basic CLI experience.

The big different is the language and I think Nix wins here by a mile. Doing everything with Scheme just leads to layers of macro spaghetti that I really did not enjoy to dig through. Error messages that tell you absolutely nothing about what went wrong were pretty common. Nix has those too, but less frequently. Also with Nix you just use regular shell scripts snippets for the building the packages, Guix wants you to do it all in Scheme. Package selection on NixOS is much bigger.

Another big thing, Nix has Flakes, which make it trivially to turn all your Git repositories into Nix packages. Your Git repository becomes essentially a first class citizen in the package manager, making it completely trivial to run different versions of the same software. Guix has none of that, they still treat packages as a separate thing from the software itself and trying to add third party packages involves quite a bit of overhead. Easily up or downgrading individual software isn't possible as far as I can tell, you have have to roll back the complete Guix system to do so.

Basically, after switching from Guix to NixOS, I can't say I missed anything. NixOS just felt like a more polished and feature rich version of what Guix was doing, which given that Guix is basically a NIH version of Nix, is understandable.

> Doing everything with Scheme just leads to layers of macro spaghetti that I really did not enjoy to dig through.

On the flip side, it’s a real language, well understood, with a real specification, working tooling, and community support outside Guix (or in the case of Nix, outside the package manager).

As someone who gave up NixOS exactly because of the incomprehensibleness of the Nix language, I know what I would choose.

There’s no doubt at all.

Honestly I’ve done enough scheme to understand that I wouldn’t touch anything related with scheme in a million years. People who think otherwise probably don’t understand why people like javascript and python and will never write any product that catches on.

The nix language is pretty nice on the other hand. The only thing I’m missing is a language server protocol thing so I can go to definition

> People who think otherwise probably don’t understand why people like javascript and python and will never write any product that catches on.

Ironically, this has been posted on a popular site written in a dialect of scheme:

