The author's complaints are:

- newest major version of self-hosted software (Ghost) no longer supports MariaDB or Debian

- newest minor version of the same software also depends on the latest LTS Node release, not the second-latest

- that's it

This really just sounds like garden-variety issues with running your own software — annoying, but not representative of or idiosyncratic to the "JavaScript ecosystem".

Its not the newest minor version, its the latest patch release for his version (that they can’t upgrade) that will need to run on a version of node that has stopped getting security updates.

His options are change the entire OS and database or run an old version of node.

But you are correct, this isn’t the fault of the JavaScript ecosystem, its a series of engineering decisions by the ghost team about what they target and support.

LTS versions are generally maintained for two years. Node 16 will continue getting security updates for at least another eight months: