I wish this was actually a fix for how shitty their keyboards are instead of what is essentially a fart app. I've taken my 2017 MBP in for three keyboard repairs at this point. Reluctantly spent $5k upgrading to this after the 2014 i7 air wasn't enough for development. It's easily the worst Macbook I've ever owned.

The kicker is that repair is no longer what I would consider "trivial", as to install a new keyboard yourself you have to gut the touchbar out of the old one because there's no way for users to pair a new one.

I also recently learned they killed Target Display Mode when they introduced the DCI P3 screens on both iMac and MBP. Perhaps the hardware to do so at that color depth wasn't available then and they couldn't justify doing it themselves, but it certainly is now. I doubt we'll see the feature return.

I miss when "Pro" meant actual professional level features

Edit: I should add I really don't mind typing on them, and can go just as fast as I can on my custom 60% with clears, the reliabilty is just ass for how much time I spend using it

> I wish this was actually a fix for how shitty their keyboards are instead of what is essentially a fart app

Someone else has actually made a debouncing extension to avoid double-entry of keys with kind-of-sticky-but-not-yet-useless keys https://github.com/aahung/Unshaky