This issue (and to be fair, the removal of the escape key (I'm a vim user)) have absolutely kept me from upgrading.

I have a 2018 macbook (from work). I love how fast it is, and the touchID built in. Almost everything else is a regression:

- No USB ports

- No magsafe connector

- Useless touchbar (for me anyway). Actually worse than useless as it disrupts my previous workflows.

- Terrible keyboard even when working to spec.

It's a shame. I still have my 2009 MBP and mid-2013 rMBP and had already budgeted ~$3000 every 4-5 years for a brand new machine. As my 2013 is starting to show it's age I really have no idea what I'd get, but there's no fucking way I give Apple $3000 for a computer I know I don't like.

Wish Lenovo could match up with form factor and screen quality.

It might just be me, but my USB-C ports were also physically failing. And since this is also the power port, charging up was becoming trickier

Apple replaced them during my update too

I’ve not heard about anyone else having this problem with loose USB-C sockets

I have had this problem occur with both my MBPros, turned out to be a tiny amount of. lint. that made its. way into. the ports. Now. I use. usb-c port covers to keep it in check.

I. of course have. keyboard. issues. as well – in case the random periods. and multiple spaces thing did not. make it obvious.

Figured this would. be a good time to. not correct the. issues. Along with the space bar my left command key doesn't always register, its shit.