Google/Fitbit refunded entire price of Ionic watch when they found out that there were issues with battery.

Apple under Tim Cook has gone into a state where it doesnt care about the customer.

The whole no adapter thing moved the entire industry into suck a Scam-Customer state that even Trimmer companies are not offering adapters.

Apple is spoiling entire electronics industry.

I will keep typing 'i' in my keyboard, and it will instead type 'ii'

Apple - You need to send a full refund for manufacturing such as pathetic laptop.

I have an M1 now and it is glorious but back when I had the MBA with the butterfly keys, someone pointed me to and it helped eliminate 99% of the double-typing or ghost keys. You will have to tweak the ms until you find the right number that fits your typing speed but once you get it all setup, the butterfly keyboard will become much more tolerable.

Or.. you could just swap it for an M1. :)