The "beauty of Ruby" part is self evident, assuming you find Ruby beautify.

Is there any documentation to back up the "Faster than Go" statement? I compiled and tested the HTTP server example, and pounded on it with ab. I don't have enough time tonight do an in depth comparison, but it doesn't seem much faster than Go.

On the plus side: the binaries are nice and small, and the memory usage is low.

Search for benchmarks and to see performance comparisons.

Thanks! I saw the benchmarks compare Crystal to Python, C, Ruby and C++, but I didn't see anything about Go. Which is fine, I guess, but it makes the title feel a bit link baity.

All the languages couldn't fit in the talk, but the full benchmarks are here:

As always, take benchmarks with a graint of salt. We use benchmarks mostly to know how far away we are from C (1x, 10x, 100x, etc.), so any language that has a speed "in the order of" C is good enough for us, small differences don't matter much.