I love seeing new editors come up. Always curious to see what people have planned for them. With that said... I do have to say that the landing page for this was a turn off for me.

Digging through the landing page, the focus seems to be on how to support it and there just isn't enough time spent talking about why this project is cool or worth supporting.

From what I can gleam from the page this seems to have a GPU backed renderer and have fast startup times. It seems intended for C++ but doesn't really talk about C++ specific features. (Ex, CMake integration, integration with doctest/catch/etc).

The one C++ specific thing it mentions is "full C++ parser for syntax highlighting, autocomplete, goto-definition, find references and a lot more". Does this support C++20? Is it using it's own engine for this or is integrating with clang or something similar. What is this doing that all of the other editors with C++ syntax support don't have?

I consider CLion to be a "gold standard" for features and functionality as a editor/IDE for C++. The only thing it doesn't do for me is "be fast and light". I'm also a long time VIM user and I generally default to VIM when I want something "fast and light".

If there was an editor/ide that had many of the features of CLion and the speed of VIM, I would certainly consider that to be "10x".

This is one of my biggest gripes with a lot of open source [edit: and also non-open source] projects. It's sort of baffling to me when I come across a project that the maintainers clearly want to be used, but there's no clear and concise explanation of what the project is, why you'd want to use it, and how it compares with major alternatives.

Agreed. I've seen too many README files that summarize the changes in the latest release without explaining what the project is or what it's for. (I don't have a specific example, which might imply that the problem isn't as bad as I remember it being.)

Or you only remember READMEs which stuck with you, the rest fell off the grid.

I can’t even estimate how many hundreds of landing pages I’ve closed without getting what they are about, but cannot remember a single one except $subj^W^W (edit: this one is actually not that bad at a second glance).

The only one that's stuck with me is https://github.com/microsoft/pyright, mainly because I thought it was strange that Microsoft would publish something such a lackluster README. It's not the worst ever, but it lacks a clear sales pitch and a concise explanation of why you'd use it instead of mypy. If you go in without that added context, it's kind of mystifying why it even exists or why you'd use it compared with the alternatives.