> If you want to build another Chromium

I don't want to build another Chromium. I want to build a web browser. I don't think every browser is required to be like or support as many websites as Chromium does. Note that competing with the popular browsers of today has never been stated as one of Ladybird's goals.

> I want to build a web browser.

Mild nitpick but "web browser" and "rendering engine" and "JavaScript" are different.

Anybody can take WebKit and do some cool stuff on top in the UI and call it a "web browser".

At the end of the day, without patching to the HTML/CSS rendering engine, it's going to perform like every other WebKit based browser, right?


I know Chromium uses Blink and not WebKit now.

Looks like Ladybird is based on https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SerenityOS "LibWeb"

That's all just rendering. You need to hook a JavaScript engine up to the rendering engine as well (with glue to the DOM from what I know?)

Chromium is Blink + V8, right?

Does Ladybird SerenityOS Libweb also do JavaScript?

> Browser with JavaScript, WebAssembly, and more (check the spec compliance for JS, CSS, and WASM)

It does. https://github.com/SerenityOS/serenity https://github.com/SerenityOS/serenity/tree/master/Userland/...