TurboC compilation is 13KB and GCC is over 512KB. Very interesting Lisp-1. I am going to look at the C code. Should be good for embedding as a scripting language.
The “wackiest” Lisp embedding I have seen is of femtolisp [1] into Julia [2] to drive the language parser [3]. In hindsight, this is a fairly sensible design decision, but it did blow my mind when I first spotted it.
# julia --lisp
; _
; |_ _ _ |_ _ | . _ _
; | (-||||_(_)|__|_)|_)
> (apply cons '(1 2))
(1 . 2)
[1]: https://github.com/JeffBezanson/femtolisp[3]: https://github.com/JuliaLang/julia/blob/d76a30a7178dd1e9b744...