One of the comments mentioned that there was a suggestion (presumably rejected) to "rotate" the first character of the hex string for the SHA256 hashes by 16 characters, so 0 becomes g, 1 becomes h, etc. (that way the SHA256 hashes would be unambiguously not SHA1 hashes, even when abbreviated).

This made me think... why are we using long, unwieldy base-16 hex strings at all? Why not use an alphabetic (non-numeric) base-46 string: 20 lowercase letters ([g-z]), 26 capital letters ([A-Z])? Then the new SHA256 hash strings end up being shorter than the old SHA1 strings, and there is no overlap with the [0-9a-f] range of the base-16 strings.

If you wanted to even it out to 64 characters, you could create a "modified base-64" that doesn't use [0-9a-f] and instead uses more special characters (though for convenience you'd want to choose characters that are shell-safe and possibly even URL-safe, which might make this not work). Alternatively you could use a subset for a base-32 representation.

The downside -- perhaps a significant one? -- is that you can't use standard tools like `sha256sum` or the representation conversion functions into the stdlib of many languages to generate these hashes; it would require custom code. Not sure if that's a concern, though.

> This made me think... why are we using long, unwieldy base-16 hex strings at all? Why not use an alphabetic (non-numeric) base-46 string: 20 lowercase letters ([g-z]), 26 capital letters ([A-Z])? Then the new SHA256 hash strings end up being shorter than the old SHA1 strings, and there is no overlap with the [0-9a-f] range of the base-16 strings.

Are you sure? SHA1 hashes are 40 hex digits, and SHA256 hashes are 64 hex digits. But in base 46, 2^256-1 = 3ZS4A7V5Ki0LWg1f3Of06YNfgQXCA2P0Q6RACKhEIWQXe07, which is 47 base-46 digits long, so still longer than SHA1. (This is not your base 46, since it's using 0..9, A..Z, a..j.)

  import gmpy2
  gmpy2.digits(2**256-1, 46)
    -> '3ZS4A7V5Ki0LWg1f3Of06YNfgQXCA2P0Q6RACKhEIWQXe07'
  gmpy2.digits(gmpy2.mpz('f'*64, 16), 46) #same, but more clearly the "maximum" hash
edit: more code to try kelnos's proposed digits:

  gmpy_digits = '0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz'
  new_digits = 'ghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ'
  ''.join(new_digits[gmpy_digits.index(d)] for d in gmpy2.digits(gmpy2.mpz('f'*64, 16), 46))
    -> 'jPIkqnLlAYgBMWhVjEVgmODVWGNsqiFgGmHqsAXuyMGNUgn'
I think hex strings are probably still better, as there's less ambiguity, and 47 characters isn't much shorter than 64 for practical purposes.
One of the mistakes Git made was that the hashes don't describe what algorithm was used to generate them. That makes backward compatibility and incremental upgrades harder. MultiHash is a solution for such issues: