This is one of the reasons why Go has its own versioning system. From a project's `go.sum`: v0.0.0-20171218180944-5ea4d0ddac55 h1:jbGlDKdzAZ92NzK65hUP98ri0/r50vVVvmZsFP/nIqo=

Where "h1" is an upgradeable hash (h1 is SHA-256). If there's ever a problem with h1, the hash can be simply upgraded.

Git's documentation describes how to sign a git commit:

$ git commit -a -S -m 'signed commit'

When signing a git commit using the built in gpg function the project is not rehashed with a secure hash function, like SHA-256 or SHA3-256. Instead gpg signs the SHA-1 commit digest directly. It's not signing the result of a secure hash algorithm.

SHA-1 has been considered weak for a long time (about 17 years). Bruce Schneier warned in February 2005 that SHA-1 needed to be replaced. Git development didn't start until April 2005. Before git started development, SHA-1 was identified as needing deprecation.

Also check out multihash from the IPFS folks:

It's a more robust, well-specified, interoperable version of this concept.

Though it's probably overkill if you control both the consumer and producer side (i.e. don't need the interoperability) and are just looking to make hash upgrades smoother, in that case a simple version prefix like Go's approach described above has lower overhead.