Elixir/Phoenix has hit full-stride.

I feel like the next big unlock in user adoption is continued improvements to BeamAsm. Hopefully something on the order of 100-200% raw performance speed up. Note: I’m talking about raw perf, not concurrency.

A few other additions to Phoenix 1.7 include:

- verified routes

- tailwind built in

- additional web server support (bandit)


Honestly without proper editor support from a company like intelli-j, I just can't see myself picking it up. Hard to give up on the niceties it provides, especially when working on a non-static language I did try the third-party intelli-j plug-in but never got it to work If it had that... look out!

Elixir-ls provides Language Server Protocol support as well as VS Code Debug Protocol support which gives extra powers to VS Code, NeoVim, Emacs, and the like.


I do agree that automated refactoring would be an amazing productivity improvement.