Neat. Was able to clone the repo, run cargo run, and drop into a python shell. Doesn't seem like can do much right now, but I really like the idea.

  >>>>> a = [1,2,3]
  >>>>> a[2:]
  >>>>> a[1:]
  [2, 3]
  >>>>> fh = open('~/.ssh/', 'r')
  thread 'main' panicked at 'called `Result::unwrap()` on an `Err` value: RefCell { value: [PyObj instance] }', src/libcore/
  note: Run with `RUST_BACKTRACE=1` environment variable to display a backtrace.
What would be really cool if this could one day be like Nuitka- but in rust. Write in python, compile into Rust. Maybe even support inline Rust like cPython supports inline C.

> cPython supports inline C

First time I am hearing this. Can you share an example? &

There also is which is something I want to look into.

As for an example, I'm using Snappy right now, so here you go: &

It still requires you to compile the C part- which is why sometimes you need GCC when you're doing a pip install.

I’ve done a lot of interfacing with C and C++. pybind11 [0] has been the easiest and most effective for me to use. It targets C++, but it’s easy enough to wrap C code with it. Cython brings along a lot more bookkeeping code and overhead in my experience. cffi isn’t bad, but it’s not as flexible/expressive.
