I'm a huge vim fan myself, but I haven't thrown IDE's out of the window entirely.
There are still 2 things that I can't give up that IDE's do better than vim (in my opinion):
1. Refactoring operations. I have yet to find a vim plugin that has the extreme refactoring awareness I've become accustomed to in IntelliJ IDEA and Eclipse. And writing a macro to do it for you is not the answer, because these tasks are non trivial to do a.) correctly, b.) in the general case, and c.) across an entire codebase. There's a reason people have sunk a gazillion years and R&D dollars in to creating IDE's, and some bullshit vim macro that I put together mid-day on a Thursday because I need to extract a method isn't going to compete.
2. Super-powerful auto completions. I get that vim has code completion plugins, and most of them are good (I'm currently using YouCompleteMe). But they aren't great. IntelliJ has it's legendary "index the world" mentality, and is really great at fuzzy match finding. Eclipse is a little clunkier, but its ability to drop in the entire method signature and provide tab-stops for quickly filling in the parameters is a boon.
The majority of my bias towards these features probably comes from the fact that I write Java code for a living at my day job, where the "documentation" is actually the code completion popup 90% of the time and most file operations or refactors are accompanied by some degree of boilerplate that is handily automated. Say what you will about verbose code and "enterprise" languages, but learning an API as you go by mindlessly mashing Ctrl+Space and skipping the inheritance/implementation rain dance is a huge productivity gain.
I do all of my C/C++, Haskell, HTML/CSS/JS, and Ruby in vim, where I have a pain-stakingly customized pathogen setup that I sync across all of my computers (personal and work). Code completion is good enough, between YouCompleteMe and ctags, but I still miss refactoring something fierce. But if FP Complete releases their Haskell IDE tomorrow and it isn't completely offensive to look at (Leksah!), has good refactoring, and has good code completion, I'd jump ship in a heartbeat.
I don't think that the whole IDE vs. vim/emacs war is real. I think that they're two completely different tools that are good at very different things; I will not argue that I am way, way, way faster at just editing text in vim; EasyMotion, ctags, never having to use a mouse... I love these things. But anybody that writes off an IDE without fully understanding just how powerful the two features I mentioned above can be when dealing with multi-million loc codebases is being narrow minded.
Are there no good vim extensions for IntelliJ or Eclipse?
There's a good one for IntelliJ called IdeaVim.
I tried solutions for Eclipse back when I used it, but I couldn't find one that I liked.