I am on one hand glad that Linux is being adopted, but I am mostly sad.

We only have two operating systems now Windows and Linux. (MacOS for the desktop as well).

It becomes a mono culture, and it takes away healthy competition and innovation.

I want many more operating systems, not fewer.

I with MS would make it free to run Windows Server, (something they move towards with the CLI only version). In order to hopefully increase adoptation.

I dont think that will happen as long as MS has a lot of enterprise custoemrs who are paying huge for the Server licenses.

I want more "kinds" of operating systems. It is ripe time to look forward to building ones not based on Unix, files, forks and execs. I want to explore different ideas which were not tested because Unix model became popular.

There is a lot to explore on the side of Smalltalk machines, Oberon, Lisp Machines of old. As a developer, live programming language based environments is my kind of thing.

You might like https://github.com/froggey/Mezzano, Common Lisp operating system.