Ha, I used pyinstall and QT for the first time during a one off project. Smoothest GUI development I've ever done coming from knowing nothing about the stack. Esp. pyinstall. Had to do literally nothing for win/mac/unix builds.

To be fair though, it was a relatively simple app, but I feel that's the typical use case if you're already proficient in python and just want to add some buttons.

I don't hear about using this stack much, so I'm glad it's getting improvements + more attention!

At Vorta (https://github.com/borgbase/vorta/) we're also happy users of the PyQt + PyInstaller stack. Not really needed for Linux, but great for macOS. It's even possible to use Sparkle via PyObjc for automatic updates. Be sure to build "appdir" packages to get a proper macOS package that can be notarized with Apple.