Whilst this is a good novelty, please please please don't do this - ever!

As my father said "just because you can put your penis in a goat, doesn't mean you should".

I agree that non ASCII identifiers are to be avoided, but they may be some exceptions, I have written code like this (in Go):

    type Polar struct {
        R,  float

First thing I think with that is : How the fuck can I make that symbol?

I'll load up google, then find unicode charts and locate this. So writing your variable name will take about 15 to 30 minutes. Thanks a lot

If the variable name is Chinese, use an appropriate input method. Otherwise, maybe set up your keyboard with a compose key (and lowercase parens) http://canonical.org/~kragen/setting-up-keyboard.html and possibly install a bigger XCompose map so you can type Greek letters conveniently https://github.com/kragen/xcompose.