This is outstanding... I really wish I would have had this learning systemd as it would have saved me _hours_. Let's be real - a lot of Linux fundamental stuff is still pretty terse. Learning tools like this really smooth it out and optimize how long it takes to wrap your head around a concept. Also, I am a _huge_ advocate for hands-on in regards to retention.
Adding to my favorites and will be passing this on over the years - thank you for such a great resource.
If anything the biggest problem the systemd docs have is verbosity. It's all classic UNIX man pages, a billion pages of detail on every possible setting with no useful examples anywhere. Fortunately the core system is simple enough that the learning curve isn't too steep but I'd really hate to try and learn it from the official docs. They don't even apply CSS to the HTML versions of the docs.
Systemd manpage index: :
man 1 systemd
man systemd
man init
...: man systemctl
man journalctl
man systemd.timer
man systemd-resolved
The Arch Linux wiki docs for systemd are succinct: docs > "Understanding and administering systemd"
RHEL7 System Administrator’s Guide > "Chapter 10. Managing Services with SystemD"