One thing I always hoped, but that never happened: get people’s creations into the game. Randomly get vetted buildings as biomes. People have created insane things and it’s a shame they couldn’t have been integrated directly into the game. Even a few would have been cool. I guess one thing is that structures without life feels empty, so you’d have to generate random monsters or NPCs for each of them.

I think you could completely automate this by training a neural network on local neighborhoods to generate a voxel probability distribution for the center voxel, so a randomly initialized world would converge to a world that has pieces that resemble the worlds that the network was trained on. So in 1D you would take a sequence of voxels ABCDE, and the network would learn to predict C from A,B,D,E.

Similar idea without neural networks:

I'm surprised no one applied this idea to Minecraft yet. There's even a 3D version: