Happy new decade! Copied this from my Mastodon post:
Big picture, in the next decade, I would like to see:
1. Federated free software services become the dominant platform for social media and messaging.
2. A more privacy-oriented and cryptographically-literate public, and simple, standard free software tools anyone can leverage for this purpose.
3. Open hardware, especially RISC-V, becoming the dominant approach for new hardware development.
4. Recapturing the mobile market from proprietary walled gardens, instead favoring models which put the user in control of their devices (e.g. pmOS).
5. Average (read: non-SV CEO) technologists becoming more politically engaged, including running for and winning offices, and using political will to reinforce the above and start making a difference outside of tech
>3. Open hardware, especially RISC-V, becoming the dominant approach for new hardware development.
Why is everyone so hyped up on RSIC-V and not something like POWER? When both are now fully open sourced.
AFAIK, the POWER architecture consumes a lot of energy so it's not suited for mobile and/or embedded gadgets so it's not as appealing to the masses.
Although I guess it is less relevant now Western Digital has open sourced their RISC-V design as well.