Would love to see one of these in a Raptor Talos machine.

I was thinking the same, I dunno if they sold well enough to justify a new version, but I hope so. I’ve been tempted several times, but it seems like quite a lot of money for a Linux box that probably has quite a lot of subtle incompatibility quirks.

The problem currently isn't how many sold, but issues regarding IP that RCS (reasonably) does not want to compromise on. Issues that block, for now, a new POWER10 system unless you still want blobs, just not shipped on-board - and want to pay ridiculous prices for unique memory modules.

Ahh, that’s a shame. Blobs would kill the whole thing dead for a large proportion of their customer base. Let’s hope they find a way to resolve it.

There seems to only be two blobs in POWER10. The memory controller and something about I/O.

The question is what to do about it. Maybe an open source firmware rewrite can happen. Or maybe IBM needs to make a cheaper desktop version first with a more open DDR4/5 controller?

That advanced RAM module isn't needed for desktop level workloads anyway.

Either way, 2022 is out. Maybe 2023 will have thing line up better?

What is the intended usage for that? As in used in Consumer PC ?

Would microWatts [1] fit that purpose? Not only do you have an Open ISA as in OpenPower, you also have an Open implementation of that ISA. AFAIK RISC-V doesn't have anything similar, only open source design in embedded usage.

Otherwise a low cost POWER10 ( or now Power10 without the capital... and I hate it ) wont make much sense. You are talking about ~30mm2+ per core design. It is huge.

[1] https://github.com/antonblanchard/microwatt