I worry that, if Copilot-like things are ultimately declared to actually be legal, that many free software developers will withdraw their source code from public view, to avoid the code being used as mere fodder for proprietary developers to annex the code without being a part of the free software community.
> withdraw their source code from public view
Why do this if you can just migrate to GitLab or Source Hut?
why do you believe AI companies would never download code from Gitlab or sourcehut?
I assume GitHub could force you to allow Copilot to use your code for training with their terms and conditions? Whereas if it's from another source the licensing of the code has to specifically allow for commercial products
You’d think so, wouldn’t you? You’d think that at least Microsoft had some legal veneer to cover what they are doing. But no. They simply took “source code from publicly available sources, including code in public repositories on GitHub”¹ and used it.
1. https://github.com/features/copilot/#what-data-has-github-co...