I used few "hybrid" CMSs from this point of view:

- dynamic wiki backed by a folder of markdown files

- dynamic CMS backed by single SQlite file

- classic dynamic CMS which dumps pages as files while editing, effectively making them static on reading

I’ve been looking for a folder based wiki - was this a custom tool you made?

Dokuwiki is working well but its pretty oldschool. Meaning not fun to develop for.

Ah, was hoping for something where I could simply add markdown files to folders and it would do all the routing for me. I have a setup that works like this with Flask flatpages[0], but it seems like there has to be a simpler solution out there somewhere. I've been unable to find it though. :-)

[0] https://flask-flatpages.readthedocs.io/en/latest/

Well by "wiki" it means to me that it saves history of changes and manage user access etc. That probably requires more complicated file setup than just markdown files.

If you want just markdown > website with some administration to edit you can use pretty much any flat file CMS. Kirby CMS is highend but you need buy license. Grav is ok open-source option but i don't like the admin part too much but its atleast active. You can find many more https://github.com/ahadb/flat-file-cms but flatfile cms often becomes pet project that people stop maintain so watch out for activity.