For ages I've wanted DuckDuckGo to add a "!copy" bang, which acts like the "!" operator (automatically navigates to the first search result) but instead of going to the page, it copies the link to my clipboard.

There are plenty of projects I'm familiar with but don't know the canonical URL off the top of my head - when I link someone else to them I have to look up their homepage. This would make this process much faster.

I just realized I need this for myself and quickly cooked up a solution using tridactyl, ddgr, and jq that fits perfectly in my workflow. Everything is reduced to just typing `:cp ` without moving to a new tab or losing flow.

The entire function is basically this (requires Tridactyl native messenger).

  command cp js -p'cd ~ && ddgr --json -n 1 ' +JS_ARG + '| jq -r ".[0].url" | xclip -sel clip')



PS: I used this tool itself to find the links for the three projects mentioned above.