This is incredible. I've been wanting a piece of software to stream high quality, low latency mac audio to my iphone, so I can use my headphones wirelessly while working. I'll have to play with it more, but I was set up in mere minutes and it works at extremely low latency.

The fact that this does bidirectional audio is icing on the cake; can't wait to share this with some quarantined bands.

Magic, well done.

Out of curiosity, what's your use case?

I have a nice pair of wired headphones and I listen to a lot of lossless audio. I like being able to get up from my desk to fill up my water glass or grab a snack without breaking the flow of music. Bluetooth isn't ideal due to the quality loss and other factors. I tried some airplay based solutions but the 2 second delay was too much. I'm seeing anywhere from 25ms-200ms latency here and it's working flawlessly.

I could just listen to music on my phone directly, but it becomes such a pain because watching a YouTube video or anything with audio on my computer completely breaks my flow.

Granted this is a completely niche persnickety problem, but what is this site if not for solving niche persnickety problems.

My friend who happens to be an acclaimed tubist just noted that he could use this for online music lessons. So there's earnestly a wide variety of use cases here.

Have you given snapcast a look?