It was so fun working with Hack Clubbers on this project!

Hack Club is a group of teenagers from all over the world, and we decided to learn assembly together from scratch and see what happened.

We ended up making this guide as we learned, since a lot of the resources we were working with weren't the easiest to parse.

Happy to answer any questions :)

I gotta say, it's pretty cool how nice young people have it these days with what's available in terms of stuff like Hack Club. The whole scene has become WAY more inclusive as a result of things like that, and the acerbic hacker archetype who snaps at you for not knowing things the way they do is so dead as a result - that to me is great, I don't miss those guys and their gatekeeping.

If you want to check out some fun assembly code in a larger program, I suggest checking out the leaked furby source code. [1] The assembly for the lunar landing modules from the 1960s is also pretty wild [2]

