To Brad: What is your plan with regard to perkeep? My understanding is that it is your 20% project, and seems like you are one of the main force keeping it alive.

Just asking since I have multiple servers running it right now, and will need to migrate if it is going to be abandoned.


I no longer pay Mathieu to work on it full time, and my time is tempered by 2.5 and 0.5 year old kids.

I still use it, but don't have time to add to it much. Others work on it a bit. Mathieu and I did work on just recently, to fix the Google Photos importer. So it's still moving a bit. Others still work on it too.

I'll pick up my involvement again as kids get a bit older. (One is almost potty trained and starting preschool soon! :))

We have no plans to abandon it.