Does anyone have an example of emacs achieving parity with JetBrains in code completion/code searching?

I've put in a small amount of effort into this (hand-rolling a python config, using a DOOM config I found) and I get something that seems really slow if it works at all. Before I invest more time I was wondering if anyone had a screen cast or any personal experiences with this. Frankly I'd use whichever editor has the best code complete and search capabilities.

Right now I use emacs for magit and orgmode but want to expand it to other areas.

Just yesterday I think I achieved such parity. Everything is working wonderfully (though, again, it's only been one day, so I can't speak to longevity).

I'm using the native-compiled branch of emacs28 on macOS (see I'm using spacemacs, so I don't know how helpful my config will be, but for python I'm using lsp-mode with pyright on the backend.

I've been using emacs for ~2yrs, and there were a lot of things I loved about it, but code completion has always been mediocre until now.