> The tie-breaker is social, not technical.

The tie-breaker is financial. Jupyter is winning because it's free, not because it's social. It becomes social because of widespread adoption, and it get's widespread adoption because it's free.

I love Jupyter, love love love. But there's a lot of hyperbole and opinion here. Mathematica is just a for-profit business, it's that simple. And it wouldn't be fair to deny the example that Mathematica, Maple & Matlab have set for free solutions like Jupyter.

There's nothing dishonest about a for-profit business. And if Mathematica wants to keep PDF export for themselves, so be it, that's their right. What's dishonest is expecting technical software and service for free and calling people names like vandals if you don't get it. Just celebrate Jupyter and enjoy that people are doing great work you get to use without paying. I don't love Mathematica or it's founder, but there's no real need to impugn Mathematica in order to make this point.

The tie-breaker is financial. Jupyter is winning because it's free

This is it really

Back in the 90s I was using a program called MathCAD, it provided a “notebook” interface by running as a plugin to Word 6. In terms of general usability and experience, 20-years-ago blows away modern-day Jupyter and it’s silly “cells” interface, which it does not because it’s better but because it’s trying to force itself into a web browser. I haven’t used MathCAD since but I bet in 2018 it’s amazing.

I think few people who have used the commercial tools think Jupyter is better. But the commercial tools are soooooooo expensive...

I used MathCAD in physics and chemistry classes in college. I frequently wonder what happened to it, because I share your perception that while Jupyter is very nifty, it is hamstrung by the limitations of the browser environment.

I'm waiting impatiently for the coming revolution of non-web collaborative internet-connected rich client applications.

As an alternative to Jupyter UI and Emacs, Hydrogen (https://github.com/nteract/hydrogen) could be viable. It runs as an Atom extension and connects to a Jupyter server instance. I haven't used it for anything other than a minimal project, but I preferred its UX to that of the browser interface of Jupyter. Atom isn't my favorite editor, but it's pleasant for this particular use case. Looks like the same team also offers an Electron-based application instead of an Atom extension.