It's what kickstarted Electron which eventually gave us VSCode, Slack, and lots of HN comments about memory usage. It also had the sweetest default theme of any code editor. RIP.

Does anyone remember brackets? I cant remember if brackets or atom came first but I remember switching from sublime to brackets to atom. Good times, I heard DHH is still using TextMate.

I worked on Brackets full time at Adobe. It came before Atom and had a bit of a different target (designers-who-code vs. developers in general). Brackets was great fun, but it too ultimately needed to be sunsetted.

Brackets was the foundation of Adobe Edge Code, which was part of Creative Cloud, so there were some bigger plans there.

Is it officially sunsetted? I can still see commits on Github:

Thank you for developing Brackets! I used it daily as a web dev, it had an awesome live preview feature.