This looks nice !

However... "Low CPU and memory footprint (...) memory usage is under 20 MB for a Hello World program" : I am the only one who still thinks this is huge ? (-> )

Help me build Cosmopolitan Libc. We're using modern compilers to build programs that are tinier and more portable than anything developers even as far back as the 70's or 80's were able to produce. I built a LISP interpreter too, which makes Altair BASIC look bloated by comparison. I will say that 20mb isn't too shabby if we judge the OP's project by Electron standards. If NodeGUI was pruned a bit more, it wouldn't be too far off from where Go is at right now for Hello World on the console. Although one does have to take into consideration that it assumes external dependencies are available such as V8 I assume? Does it statically build? One thing I'm curious about is I looked at the yarn lock file and I couldn't find Qt so I have no idea where it comes from.