I am writing a Python AI book right now and I am using version 3.11. Since I am a patient person, I prefer conda to avoid dependency issues, so: conda create --name py3.11 python=3.11 -c conda-forge
Being a Lisp developer (for 40 years), I am finally developing some love for Python after years of having to use it at work for deep learning.
For me the better performance/lower resource improvements in 3.11 (looking forward to 3.12) is a big issue because I compare to Common Lisp performance, which can be very good.
Off topic, but my new found love for Python comes from realizing that many programming tasks can be done so much faster in Python.
> Off topic, but my new found love for Python comes from realizing that many programming tasks can be done so much faster in Python.
Wait till you get ahold of ruby. It is the most LISP like language I've found yet in terms of flexibility and what it can do for you.
Ruby is definitely great and I would have totally agreed a couple years ago, but Elixir has blown my mind. It feels so much like LISP sometimes I wonder, especially with the full macro system where you can operate directly on the AST :-D
Given the recent news on Nx and Livebook, Elixir may be a first-class language for ML very soon.
On a related note, Elixir feels a bit like a functional love child of ruby and python.
Can you write general purpose scripts in Elixir like in Ruby or Python?
Yup, you can write standalone Elixir scripts. Running "elixir myscript.exs" gives you that.
Here are a few examples: https://github.com/wojtekmach/mix_install_examples